What if I’m in a math or science exam? Can I bring a calculator? A. Other people in other rooms might not be done yet.
Please keep quiet until you’ve completely left the building and you’re outside. Can I run out the room whooping and screaming because it’s over? A. The invigilators will pick up your testing material and once everything is collected from everyone, you may leave, maintaining silence. Not quite – you will be asked to string your test paper and answer books together with a treasury tag (IB’s answer to the paper clip). If the test required you to select some questions from a larger group of questions, to let the examiner know which ones you’ve picked. You’ll be asked to fill out some information on your preprinted coversheet. If you leave without permission your score is invalidated. No books, iPods/iPhones, or other electronic devices. Sit quietly and wait for time to be called. Attempts to communicate with other test takers will invalidate your exam and may invalidate theirs. Raise your hand and ask your invigilator.
What if I need something during the exam? A. You cannot add extra time onto your exam time. An invigilator will escort you (only one student in rest room at a time). Your invigilator will announce when there’s a half hour left, and when five minutes are left. You’ll have a clock in view, as well as the start and end time posted on the board in front of you. The five minutes don’t count towards your time on the exam. Your invigilator will tell you when you can start writing. For all the exams except paper 1 in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, you have five minutes to look at the exam - without picking up a pen. The invigilator has read the instructions. Don’t look in the test booklet until you’re told to do so. An invigilator will read instructions, open the sealed test papers and distribute them. Ok, I’m sitting down at my spot and maintaining silence. Please go quietly into the testing room indicated on the room assignments outside the door, find your preprinted answer sheet on a desk, and sit down. Once you’re in the testing area, please maintain your silence. One of the invigilators will invite your group into the testing area. That list will be posted on the wall near the main office. You will be assigned to a testing room by the subject you’re taking and usually in candidate number order. Bilingual dictionary if your best language isn’t English. Rulers, and calculators for some math and science exams. Blue or black pens for writing – maybe in a plastic bag. Invigilators watch over you while you’re taking an exam. It’s from the same root as the word “vigil”. You’ll be able to check them with the invigilator. Having them on you during the exam will invalidate your score. You don’t need scratch paper, white-out or correcting tape, cell phones, cameras, iPods, or other electronic devices.
Don’t bring food into the room, or any drinks but water. Students who are stronger in a language other than English can bring a bilingual (paper) dictionary.
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You can bring water in a clear bottle, and your writing stuff in a clear plastic bag like a zip lock bag. Calculators on selected science and math exams. You should bring blue or black ink pens(pencils only for marking up text, and writing graphs and diagrams, and for Paper 1 of science exams, which have multiple choice). The lobby area outside the main office is a fine place to wait. Exam room assignments will be posted alongside the main office. You need to be at the exam site at 7:15 am for morning exams, and 11:30 for afternoon exams. Groeneman know if you did not receive an exam schedule. You received a personalized exam schedule and your pincodes. FAQ’s about IB Exams Dates: May 2-22, 2013